Effects of juice preservation on carotenoids in goldenberry (Physalis peruviana L.) and orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck)

Produktinformationen "Effects of juice preservation on carotenoids in goldenberry (Physalis peruviana L.) and orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck)"
Fruits are an important part of a balanced diet because of their high content in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and bioactive compounds. Since the shelf life of fruits is limited due to microbiological, biochemical, and enzymatic reactions, processing and preservation are necessary to ensure food safety and year round availability. The present thesis aimed to investigate the effects of commonly used processing methods for fruit juice and puree production such as thermal pasteurization, alternative pasteurization (HPP, PEF), ultrasonication, and spray drying on the stability of carotenoids in goldenberry (Physalis peruviana L.) and orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck). This thesis reveals the potential of ultrasonication as a homogenization technology that could be applied in the fruit juice industry in combination with pasteurization for the improved production of fruit juices and purees rich in potentially bioavailable carotenoids. Moreover, in comparison to commonly used carrier agents for spray drying, cellobiose showed a high potential for the application as innovative carrier material to obtain fruit juice powders with good physicochemical properties while preserving valuable constituents such as carotenoids.
Autor: Etzbach, Lara
ISBN: 9783736975606
Verlag: Cuvillier Verlag
Auflage: 1
Sprache: Englisch
Seitenzahl: 168
Produktart: Unbekannt
Erscheinungsdatum: 10.01.2022
Verlag: Cuvillier Verlag
Schlagworte: Bioverfügbarkeit Biozugänglichkeit Carotinoidabbau Carotinoide Carotinoidfettsäureester Carotinoidgehalt Carotinoidprofil Cellobiose Citrus sinensis Enzyminaktivierung Ernährung Fruchtsaftindustrie Früchte HPP Haltbarmachung Heißabfüllung Hochdruckpasteurisation Homogenisierung Lagerstabiliät Landwirtschaft, Ernährungswirtschaft & lebensmittelproduzierende Industrie Maltodextrin Mizellierungseffizienz Orange Orangensaft PEF Pasteurisation Peroxidase Physalis Physalis peruviana Physalispüree Physalissaft Pulvereigenschaften Reststoffverwertung Saft Safthaltbarmachung Saftqualität Saftverarbeitung Sprühtrocknung Technische Chemie Trocknung Trägermaterial Ultraschall Verkapselungseffizienz Xanthophylle bioaccessibility bioavailability by-product utilization carotenoid content carotenoid degradation carotenoid fatty acid esters carotenoid profile carotenoids carrier agent cellobiose coating material drying encapsulation efficiency enzyme inactivation fruit juice industry fruits gepulste elektrische Felder goldenberry high pressure processing homogenization hot filling human nutrition juice juice preservation juice production juice quality micellarization efficiency orange orange juice pasteurization physalis juice physalis puree powder properties preservation pulsed electric fields spray drying storage stability ultrasonication ultrasound technology