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Zu "Developing Countries" wurden 562 Produkte gefunden
Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Gabler (1)
Deutscher Universitätsverlag (1)
Fölbach, Dietmar (1)
Germanwatch Nord-Süd Initiative e.V. (1)
Humana Press (2)
Logos Berlin (1)
Macmillan Education (3)
Palgrave Macmillan UK (339)
Palgrave Macmillan US (21)
Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (1)
Physica (10)
Sievers & Partner (1)
Springer Berlin (22)
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (1)
Springer International Publishing (34)
Springer London (4)
Springer Netherland (39)
Springer Singapore (11)
Springer Tokyo (1)
Springer US (65)
Springer Wien (1)
transcript (1)
wvb Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin (1)
Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Gabler (1)
Deutscher Universitätsverlag (1)
Fölbach, Dietmar (1)
Germanwatch Nord-Süd Initiative e.V. (1)
Humana Press (2)
Logos Berlin (1)
Macmillan Education (3)
Palgrave Macmillan UK (339)
Palgrave Macmillan US (21)
Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (1)
Physica (10)
Sievers & Partner (1)
Springer Berlin (22)
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (1)
Springer International Publishing (34)
Springer London (4)
Springer Netherland (39)
Springer Singapore (11)
Springer Tokyo (1)
Springer US (65)
Springer Wien (1)
transcript (1)
wvb Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin (1)
Gebunden (284)
Kartoniert / Broschiert (276)
Kassette / Medienmix z.B. Audio und Buch (2)
Adams, John Scaperlanda, Anthony (2)
Addison, T. Roe, A. (2)
Ahlburg, Dennis A. Kelley, Allen C. Oppenheim Mason, Karen (2)
Antonopoulos, R. Hirway, I. (2)
Arestis, P. (2)
Arestis, P. Baddeley, M. McCombie, J. (2)
Arestis, P. Paula, L. de (2)
Arestis, P. Sobreira, R. (2)
Armijo, L. (2)
Aydogan, Neslihan (2)
Balasubramanyam, V. Greenaway, David (2)
Ballet, Jérôme Bhukuth, Augendra (2)
Bangura, Y. (2)
Barba Navaretti, Giorgio Dasgupta, Partha Mäler, Karl-Göran Siniscalco, Domenico (2)
Beghin, John Roland-Holst, David Van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique (2)
Berg, J. Kucera, D. (2)
Bogoviz, Aleksei V. Popkova, Elena G. (2)
Bolay, Jean-Claude Chenal, Jérôme Pedrazzini, Yves (2)
Bouma, Johan Kuyvenhoven, A. Bouman, B.A.M Luyten, J.C. Zandstra, H.G. (2)
Brundenius, C. Weeks, J. (2)
Buckley, Peter J. Clegg, Jeremy (2)
Chan, T. Cui, G. (2)
Chatterji, Manas (2)
Cherry, Andrew L. Dillon, Mary E. (2)
Cockburn, John Kabubo-Mariara, Jane (2)
Cosgrove-Sacks, C. (2)
Cruz-Saco, M. Zelenev, S. (2)
Dell, Sidney (2)
Development, Oxford Department of International (2)
Drabek, Z. (2)
Easter, K. William Rosegrant, M.W. Dinar, Ariel (2)
Esteban, J. Stiglitz, J. (4)
Estrin, S. Kolodko, G. Uvalic, M. (2)
Fair, D.E. de Boissieu, C. (2)
Fanelli, J. (2)
Fanelli, José María Medhora, Rohinton (2)
Ffrench-Davis, R. Griffith-Jones, S. (2)
Finch, N. (2)
Freeman, R. (2)
Ghosh, B. Guven, H. (2)
Ghosh, Mainak (2)
Gomez y Paloma, Sergio Riesgo, Laura Louhichi, Kamel (2)
Gou, Zhonghua (2)
Graham, E. (2)
Greenaway, D. Upward, R. Wakelin, K. (2)
Griffith-Jones, Stephany Rodriguez, Ennio (2)
Guha-Khasnobis, B. (2)
Gup, Benton E. (2)
Gupta, K. L. (2)
Gupta, Satya Dev (2)
Hahn, Frank Coricelli, Fabrizio Di Matteo, Massimo (2)
Hammoudi, Abdelhakim Grazia, Cristina Surry, Yves Traversac, Jean-Baptiste (2)
Hanna, Nagy K. Knight, Peter T. (2)
Harriss, J. Stokke, K. (3)
Helleiner, Gerald K. (3)
Hewison, Grant Jha, Veena Underhill, Maree (2)
Hirata, Akira Yamazawa, Ippei (2)
Hostettler, Silvia Najih Besson, Samira Bolay, Jean-Claude (2)
Hujo, K. Piper, N. (2)
Hveem, H. Nordhaug, K. (2)
Iqbal, Farrukh Urata, Shujiro (2)
Jamil, Ishtiaq Askvik, Steinar Dhakal, Tek Nath (2)
Jha, M.K. (2)
Kakwani, N. Silber, J. (2)
Karagiannidis, Avraam (2)
Katrak, H. Strange, R. (3)
Kehal, H. (2)
Kersten, Gregory E. Mikolajuk, Zbigniew Gar-On Yeh, Anthony (2)
Koning, Niek Pinstrup-Andersen, Per (2)
Kozul-Wright, Richard Rowthorn, Robert (2)
Kucera, D. (2)
Kurian, Mathew McCarney, Patricia (2)
Köhn, Doris (2)
Lal, D. Snape, R. (2)
Lall, Somik V. Freire, Mila Yuen, Belinda Rajack, Robin Helluin, Jean-Jacques (2)
Lee, E. Vivarelli, M. (3)
Lin, J. (2)
Martínez-Piva, Jorge Mario (2)
Matsushita, K. (2)
Mavrotas, G. Shorrocks, A. (2)
McGee, Robert W. (2)
McGillivray, M. Dutta, I. Lawson, D. (2)
Milliot, E. Tournois, N. (2)
Mitsuo, H. (2)
Mudacumura, Gedeon Morçöl, Göktug (2)
Murayama, M. (2)
Murayama, Yuji Thapa, Rajesh Bahadur (2)
Newenham-Kahindi, A. Kamoche, K. Chizema, A. (2)
Nicholls, A. Murdock, A. (2)
Olcay Ünver, I.H. Gupta, Rajiv K. Kibaroglu, Aysegul (2)
Osei-Bryson, Kweku-Muata Mansingh, Gunjan Rao, Lila (2)
Otsuka, K. Kalirajan, K. (2)
Parikh, Jyoti K. (2)
Parpart, J. Stichter, S. (2)
Parrilli, M. (2)
Paus, E. (2)
Pethig, Rüdiger Rauscher, Michael (2)
Stewart, F. (3)
Uchimura, H. (4)
Utting, P. Marques, J. (3)
Abelson, P. (1)
Acharyya, Rajat (1)
Ahmed, Abdullahi Dahir Islam, Sardar M. N. (2)
Avraham, Eli Ketter, Eran (1)
Balassa, Bela (1)
Barclay, L. (2)
Barratt, John (1)
Bascom, Wilbert O. (2)
Basu, D. Miroshnik, V. (2)
Batley, R. Larbi, G. (2)
Bhalla, A. (2)
Bhalla, A.S. (1)
Bhalla, A.S. Lapeyre, Frédéric (2)
Bianchi, Patrizio Sugden, Roger (2)
Bidlingmaier, Tobias (1)
Bijaoui, Ilan (1)
Birchall, J. (2)
Bird, G. (1)
Bloch, Harry (1)
Block-Schlesier, Benjamin von (1)
Bobiash, Donald (2)
Boex, J. Martinez-Vazquez, J. (1)
Bookman, M. (3)
Borner, Silvio Brunetti, Aymo Weder, Beatrice (2)
Casaburi, Gabriel (1)
Chandavarkar, A. (1)
Chaudhuri, Sarbajit Mukhopadhyay, Ujjaini (2)
Choudhury, Masudul Alam (1)
Condon, Bradly J. Sinha, Tapen (2)
Correa-Cabrera, G. (2)
Coyne, Sr., Edward J. (2)
Curry, S. Weiss, J. (2)
Das, D. (2)
Das, Dilip K. (1)
Datta, Amlan (1)
Dowling, J. Rana, P. (2)
Dowling, John Malcolm Yap, Chin Fang (4)
Fiala, Oliver (2)
Fischer, Pius (2)
FitzGerald, V. (2)
Frankel, E. (2)
Greiner, Alfred Fincke, Bettina (2)
Griffith-Jones, Stephany (2)
Gulyani, S. (2)
Gupta, J. (2)
Hanna, Nagy K. (6)
Harms, Philipp (2)
Helleiner, G. (2)
Hope, Sr., Kempe Ronald (2)
Hubbard, M. (2)
Islam, Iyanatul (2)
James, J. (3)
Joseph, K. (2)
Kennes, W. (3)
Kumar, Surender Managi, Shunsuke (2)
Lal, K. (2)
Lechman, Ewa (2)
Leeds, R. (2)
Levy, Brian Berry, Albert Nugent, Jeffrey B. (2)
Li, Linna (2)
Lin Yifu, Justin (2)
Malhotra, P. (2)
Mathur, Purushottam Narayan (2)
Mazza, Jacqueline (2)
Memedovic, Olga Kuyvenhoven, A. Molle, Willem T.M. (2)
Michalopoulos, C. (4)
Montilla Fernández, Luis Tomás (2)
Moreira, Mauricio Mesquita (2)
Moss, T. (2)
Mowery, David C. (2)
Nafziger, E. Auvinen, J. (2)
Nasrullah, Nakib Muhammad Rahim, Mia Mahmudur (2)
Naudé, Wim (2)
Nel, P. (2)
Nickson, A. Franceys, R. (2)
Nusbaumer, Jacques A.E. (2)
Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, B. Sampath, P. Gehl (2)
Pachauri, Shonali (2)
Page, S. (2)
Parrilli, M. (2)
Pietrobelli, Carlo (2)
Porretta, Pasqualina Pes, Giovanni (2)
Rahman, Mahfuzur (2)
Rosengard, Jay K. (2)
Rusydi, M. Islam, S. (2)
Sagasti, F. Bezanson, K. Prada, F. (2)
Santagata, Walter (2)
Shair, Osama J. Abu (2)
Shaw, D. (4)
Singer, H. (2)
Singer, H.W. Prendergast, Renee (2)
Sonntag, Diana (2)
Sonobe, T. Otsuka, K. (2)
Spatz, Julius (2)
Tambunan, Tulus Tahi Hamonangan (2)
Thirlwall, A. (2)
Valiente-Riedl, E. (2)
Yang, Ming Yang, Fan (2)
Yeats, Alexander (2)
Zhang, Y. (2)
agriculture (18)
Asia (10)
assessment (6)
B (8)
banking (8)
business (20)
capital (11)
China (49)
competition (17)
competition policy (7)
conflict (7)
Conservation (6)
Corruption (6)
democracy (15)
democratization (10)
Developing Countries (562)
Developing Economies (34)
development (299)
development aid (18)
Development Cooperation (8)
Development Economics (13)
development economics (21)
Development Finance (12)
development policy (19)
Distribution (7)
East Asia (44)
Eastern Europe (10)
Economic Development (113)
economic development (13)
Economic Growth (7)
economic growth (37)
economic integration (10)
Economic Policy (12)
economic policy (26)
economic theory (6)
economics (25)
economy (22)
emerging markets (6)
employment (25)
Entrepreneurs (6)
Entrepreneurship (15)
environment (30)
European Union (EU) (12)
Export (7)
financial markets (10)
foreign direct investment (30)
foreign trade (9)
gender (14)
Global economy (16)
globalization (86)
Governance (20)
growth (80)
health (14)
Import (11)
income distribution (12)
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (8)
Innovation (16)
innovation (15)
Institution (13)
integration (7)
International Business (8)
International Trade (6)
international trade (14)
internationalization (13)
Investment (16)
investment (10)
Japan (8)
Keynes (8)
Knowledge Management (10)
labor market (22)
liberalization (10)
macroeconomics (19)
management (21)
marketing (8)
migration (7)
monetary policy (8)
Nation (17)
organization (16)
Policy (8)
political economy (25)
Poverty (13)
poverty (34)
production (10)
reforms (11)
regional development (7)
regulation (10)
science and technology (10)
service (10)
social policy (7)
strategy (9)
structural change (7)
sustainability (26)
Sustainable Development (14)
sustainable development (14)
tax reform (7)
trade (12)
trade policy (13)
transition (9)
unemployment (16)
WTO (22)
1967 (1)
1972 (1)
1974 (1)
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1976 (2)
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New Theories in Growth and Development
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Public Debt and Economic Growth
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In den Warenkorb
Technologies for Development
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In den Warenkorb
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