Zu "Flugschrift" wurden 38 Produkte gefunden
Die Konzilsfrage in den Flug- und Streitschriften des deutschen Sprachraumes 1518–1563
ISBN: 9783525360507
150,00 €*
A Catalogue of German Reformation Pamphlets (1516-1550) in Swiss Libraries
ISBN: 9783873200999
98,00 €*
Bibliotheca Lindesiana, and other Collections of German Sixteenth-Century Pamphlets in Libraries of Britain and France.
ISBN: 9783873200661
120,00 €*
A catalogue of German reformation pamphlets (1516-1550) in libraries of Belgium and the Netherlands
ISBN: 9783873201736
98,00 €*
A Catalogue of German Reformations Pamphlets (1516-1546) in Libraries of Great Britain and Ireland
ISBN: 9783873200456
112,00 €*
Catalogue of German Reformation Pamphlets (1516-1550) in Swedish Libraries
ISBN: 9783873201507
40,00 €*
Der deutsche Humanismus und die frühe Reformations-Propaganda 1520-1526
ISBN: 9783487116808
78,00 €*